Saturday, August 14, 2010

Decision Time

Turning 30 is a big step. People tell me it is just a number. The clock doesn't suddenly start to tick faster, except maybe my biological clock according to my dad.   But for me, this is a milestone, the beginning of another chapter. I was lying in bed, half awake this morning. While waiting for E's text on his flight status (E is returning from Brazil today after 2 weeks of business trip), I briefly ran through my list of accomplishments over the past few years:
  1. Adopt a dog - check
  2. Work for a developer - check
  3. Get married - check
  4. Own a home in Toronto - check
That's when I realized that I did fulfill all my personal goals after graduation, although nothing can be considered as world changing. Then I wonder what is triggering this need for self-discovery and personal growth. I feel an urge to embark on my version of journey. I have a plan in my head, waiting to be executed, but it's scary as hell. 

My journey will begin with Habitat for Humanity build in South America, followed by Vipassana meditation retreat in Ontario, then family visits across the country and continents. 

The commitment, the implications... This could be the beginning of something great or the beginning of unemployment. This weekend is decision time.