Sunday, October 3, 2010

4 Week Notice

Last week was a roller coaster ride - my struggle with the potential idea of "temporary" unemployment, the debate between a leave of absence or resignation. Nevertheless, I gave my 4 week notice to my very understanding and accommodating employer. It was an extremely difficult decision, but this is something I need to do for myself at this stage of my life.

The funny thing with unemployment is that...
When it is a layoff, people sympathize with you
When a contract ends, people encourage you
But when it is a resignation, people congratulate you

"Congratz on you fun (un-)employment" according to E. "Congratz on having a sugar daddy to sustain our lifestyle" is what I say. 

4 more weeks, I will be in Peru embarking on the Inca Trail trekk to Machu Picchu. 5 more weeks, I will be in Chile attempting to build a house with H4H. And lots more adventures to follow... So, the countdown begins. 

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