Friday, October 29, 2010

En Route to Lima, Peru

A surprise ending to my last day of work yesterday - Multiple farewell parties that were unexpected, filled with support and blessing from my colleagues and boss. By leaving, it has given me the opportunity to reflect and appreciate. So, my journey begins...

Bro dropped both E and me off at the Pearson Airport. Same destinations to Lima, Peru, but I am flying with LAN and E is flying with AC.  My first stop - New York JFK Airport.  What can I do for a 6-hour layover? I examined my options - Manhattan? Flushing? After taking into consideration the commute time, I decided to stay put at Terminal 4 of the airport. The Airtrain connects all the terminals. However, I was told by an airport personnel that T4 is the most "happening" of them all.
Terminal 4 of the JFK Airport

I walked from one end of the terminal to the other, and then back again for 6 or 7 times. There are a few shops, selling the typical higher-end or mainstream North American merchandise like Diesel, Gucci, Guess etc. Nothing overly exciting.  Finally, I settled down at a table in the food court and grabbed a cup of tea and some soup from Au Bon Pain, since I could not justify having a $15 burger from the airport restaurant. 

I think the lesson learned here is to not book a long layover when traveling alone, especially when the husband is flying direct!

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