Friday, November 5, 2010

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu, one of the new 7 wonders of the world. How to describe? Majestic! Magnificent! Breathtaking!
Machu Picchu
Due to our short stay in Cusco, the 4 of us signed up for a 2-day trek (as opposed to the regular 4-day trek) up the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.  In an effort to control environmental degradation, the Peruvian has recently placed a limit on the number of trek permits issued per day. To reserve our space, we had to book 2 months ahead. 

Early in the morning of the first day, we were greeted by the driver from Pachamama Explorers (a local tour agency owned by a South African woman). We caught the tourist train to km 104, where we met our guide and began the trek. 
Trekking the Inca Trail

Beautiful waterfall en route to Machu Picchu
We followed the path that the Incas once walked. Certain parts of the ascent were rather difficult and we had to make frequent stops of water (or in this case, oxygen tank for Sa). After 7 hours of trekking, we finally caught the first glimpse of Machu Picchu. 

Our first glimpse of Machu Picchu - worth the 7-hour of pain and exhaustion 
 According to our guide, there are controversies about the discovery of this ancient site. The formal record stated Hiram Bingham of Yale University as the discoverer in 1911. However, the locals indicate otherwise. Long before the Americans arrived, 2 Peruvian farmers had been living at Machu Picchu, but later mysteriously disappeared. 

We spent the night at the nearby tourist town of Aguas Calientes.  On the second day, we returned to Machu Picchu by bus and spent the entire morning exploring the site on foot. I was particularly fascinated by the llamas and alpacas that graze on grass of Machu Picchu.  They looked so gentle and adorable.  Of course, later that afternoon, E and Ed decided to order alpaca for lunch. This was followed by the feast of guinea pigs for dinner! They certainly had a taste of the local delicacies. 
Me and a llama

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