Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Weekend Around Melipilla

The team had the weekend off for sightseeing.  Because of our remote location, the activities were limited.  On Saturday, we visited a cheese factory that was partner with the dairy farm where we were staying. Then we spent the rest of the morning in Pomaire, a pottery village very close to Melipilla.
Milking a Chilean cow - yeeks!

A craft shop in Pomaire
On Sunday, Habitat Chile hired La Bicycletta Verde, a tour operator based in Santiago, for a winery tour.  The destination was the Chocalan winery located in the coastal part of Maipo Valley. We biked up and down the hills through the vineyards, then sampled different types of wine and had a barbeque lunch overlooking the vineyards. It was a relaxing afternoon with great food and beautiful view.

Chocalan winery

Getting ready for the bike ride

Wine tasting at Chocalan
The winery building was recently constructed.  The cedar wood combined with large windows gave the interiors a bright and airy feel. It was quite a contrast to the Habitat houses that we have been working on. I suppose this is the disparity in wealth that is present everywhere.

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